
Nine Ways to Add Burlap to Your Decor

Hi, my name is Carolyn and I'm addicted to burlap. 

There, I said it!   Although, admitting it doesn't necessarily mean I have a sincere desire to change.  :)

How could anyone not love burlap?  It's inexpensive, looks natural, is easy (although slightly messy) to work with, comes in a variety of colors and even patterns, and is readily accessible. 

If you like burlap but aren't quite sure where you can fit it into your décor, here are a few examples from around our home:

Burlap tucked between objects in a vignette - as filler and to add texture and softness


Burlap monogram -
Cut monogram out of thick cardboard, cover in burlap using hot glue and outline with brass thumbtacks. 
Wooden laser cut frame purchased at Michaels and spray painted Rustoleum Heirloom White


Burlap runner - Cut to size and fringe all four sides - no sewing needed

Wreaths - Cut strips of burlap and tie to wire wreath form
Burlap backing for framed monogram

Burlap charger (purchased at Hobby Lobby) to brighten a dark bookcase

Burlap trees - cover Styrofoam cone forms with strips of burlap using hot glue.
These were then spray painted with metallic gold paint.



Dress up a plain candle - wrap with burlap trim and tie with a pretty ribbon.  Easy peasy!

Burlap drum lamp shade purchased at Lowe's

Looks as if I'm bordering on overuse of burlap .... maybe it's time to introduce a new material to my décor? 
In what fun ways have you used burlap in your home and your décor? 
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  1. Hi Carolyn, I found your blog through BLess's blog.
    I love ,love burlap too.. I love the initials you did.. Such a pretty idea.. And the lamp.. just all of it.
    I took some burlap that had black zig zag 's on it, I made a pillow for my outside chair, I embroidered our initial on it.. [Stuffed it with plastic wal mart sacks.. hint I got from another blog.]
    I have also made table runners.. so cute.. I also made my friend a really cute fall little purse from burlap, and lined it with cotton fabric...

  2. Hi, Judy! The black zig zag burlap sounds so cute. And how clever to use bags as the pillow form. So very frugal! Thanks so much for stopping by - I so appreciate your comments!

  3. I'm a burlap lover too! Thanks for sharing all these clever ideas.

  4. Hi Carolyn! I have curtains and cord covers made out of burlap. I really like the texture it adds to the room.

    You have a beautiful blog! I clicked over to your Flagstaff Home and realized you are not new to this. No wonder your blog is so pretty. :)

    1. Hi, Stacey! Burlap curtains are so nice! Thank you for your kind comments! I started my blog a little over a month ago and am really enjoying it. I'm learning as I go. :) Have a great day!

  5. What creative ideas! Love it! Thanks for linking up at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home!

