
Happy Homemaker

I’ve been pondering this season of life that I now find myself in .. that of a stay at home wife and homemaker. 

In my working life, I worked full-time outside our home for over two decades and all of those years my heart longed to be home.  I really enjoyed my work life roles, but the one I have now is by far the most spiritually rewarding and personally enjoyable. Caring for our home blesses my husband and family, and that brings me sheer joy.

I’ve always enjoyed anything home related ... cleaning, organizing, decorating, DIY, crafting, cooking and baking, caring for and nurturing our children when they lived at home, gardening, and sewing.  I lived for a very long time with an inner struggle of wanting to be home.

Thankfully, I’m blessed with a caring and wonderful husband who also prefers that I not work and who loves reaping the benefits of having a wife who enjoys and doesn’t find maintaining a home to be a dreaded chore.  A win-win for both of us!

There are countless helpful books dedicated to guiding women along their homemaking journey, but the greatest source I've found is God's Word.  Who better than our Father to provide valuable direction and insight into the important and honorable role of a homemaker? 


  1. Since childhood I, too, loved all things home related. When I worked full-time I enjoyed it. When I had our son, I wanted to stay at home and raise him. My husband was of the same mind. Even though we had to make sacrifices for me to stay home I do not have any regrets. I am a nurturer. It is instinctive in me to make sure my loved ones are well cared for. I love making a loving and welcoming home for them. In my golden years it won't be the memories of my raises and promotions that will warm my heart, it will be all those years that I spent loving my family and making a happy home for them.

  2. So very true! I enjoyed daily interaction with my coworkers and the friendships I made there many years ago that still exist today. But my entire being is centered on my family and home ... along with my faith walk. When I am home, everything seems in balance and I love that! Thanks so much for your wonderful comments!
