
Goodwill Hunting #1

When I get a chance to visit the nearest Goodwill Thrift Store, an hour from home, it's a fun experience because you never know what you'll find. 

With thrift store décor it helps to look beyond the layer of dust and the current color of the item.  They can be repainted or stained to fit your particular style. 

Most recently several items left the store with me - surprising - as I don't always find something I like each visit:

An Anthropologie white antler wall hook, a Target candlestick, two old metal lidded boxes (one shown), and a fleur-de-lis wall plaque.  Love all of them - and, less than $20 total!

The metal lidded boxes will get a fresh coat of paint and be put to work helping to organize craft supplies.  Another project!!!

Do you have much success shopping in thrift stores?  What has been your best find?



  1. You got some great items! I try to keep out of thrift stores, these days, because I have too much stuff, as it is! :D

  2. It's probably a good thing the store is an hour away. :)
