
{TUTORIAL} DIY Fourth of July Vase Filler

If you find you're short on time but need a little something to complete your Fourth of July table scape or mantel, this is a quick, easy and frugal option.

The tall clear vases can be found at Dollar Tree and the vase filler is made with items you probably already have in your pantry.

Supplies I used:
  • Clear vase
  • White rice (uncooked)
  • Food coloring
  • Ziplock sandwich bags
  • Flameless votive
  • Bow


To begin, pour 1 cup white rice into a Ziploc bag.  Add food coloring.  Start with a small amount - you can add more incrementally if you need a more intense color.

Seal bag and knead the bag to work the color into the rice. 

Once you've reached the desired color, pour rice onto paper towel to dry for 20 minutes.  After 20 minutes, rice is ready to place in vase.

Using a small (1 tablespoon) scoop, I placed a scoop of red rice into the vase.  Then, using the handle end of a wooden spoon, I pressed the rice firmly into the vase.  Do the same with the white rice (uncolored) and then blue.  Repeat layers until vase is filled 2" from top, allowing space for candle.

Add a festive bow and a flameless votive and you're all set! 

This is a great "go to" vase filler option for any occasion - just choose food coloring to coordinate with your décor.  And, filler can be reused.  Store in sealed bags between use.
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  1. What a cute, festive idea for the 4th! I like that it can be reused too. :)

    1. I think this would be a fun project to do with little ones, too! Do you think Miss Holly would enjoy making one? LOL!

  2. This is a cute idea... very colorful. I just had to come back to your blog after finding a reply to my earlier comment on your wreath... and you commented that you are new to blogging... I am now following you on Pinterest, email and the Blogger feed. :) Looks like you are doing great. :)

    1. Thanks for following me! I'm having a lot of fun and learning a lot along the way. Your blog is amazing - so detailed and your photos are awesome!

  3. What a great idea! Thanks for linking up at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home!


    1. Your Blog Hop is such fun, Jennifer! I always glean great ideas and tips from those who link up there. Thanks for hosting each week!

  4. Great Project! Looks so easy and perfect for 4th of July!!! Thanks so much for sharing at Dream. Create. Inspire. Link! I hope to see you back next week:)

  5. This is a great idea! And easy to do, too. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for dropping your diy by the party. Pinned & sharing. Glad you could make it the party. Hope to see you again soon.

  7. Thank you for joining the party at Friday Favorites! You are so creative! Please come back and share your latest with us!. The party starts Thursday at 7PM at Hope to see you there:) Hugs-Christine
