
Customized Inspiration Jars

Looking for a personalized gift that shows you care?  These inspiration jars can be customized for any occasion and are sure to bring a smile to any recipient.

Thank you to Sherry at The Charm of Home for graciously featuring this project!

These inspiration jars were made with 1 quart wide mouthed canning jars.  

For the version above, I created a round jar label in Picmonkey, printed them, cut them out, covered them with clear Contact paper, and inserted them in the jar lids.  

The cross gift tags were cut from black cardstock with my Silhouette Cameo, backed with contrasting paper, and tied to the jar with string.

For the inspirational verses and quotes, I searched for those that I felt would be especially meaningful to the recipient, typed them into Word, printed and cut them into strips, folded them, and filled the jar.

I really like that these can be totally customized for any occasion - motivational, get well, encouragement, etc.  

Just do a Google search for quotes or verses by subject and you'll find an endless supply to use.  And, you're not limited to just text - photos and drawings can also be used. 

For another version of the inspiration jar (above), I painted the jar lid with aqua craft paint.  The gift tag is an unfinished wood tag (found at any craft store and even Walmart) painted aqua, tied to a small sparkly white cross with white ribbon.  The cross was found in the miniature Christmas decor section at Hobby Lobby. 

For yet another version, for a family member with Alzheimer's, I filled a jar with slips of paper containing photos of family (labeled with names), photos of former homes (labeled with locations) and funny cartoons and jokes, along with inspirational quotes and verses.  

It's fun to fill the jar with items that are hand picked for each individual and those that are sure to make them smile. 

Wouldn't these also be neat to give to kids - using a plastic jar, with a colorful monogram label, and filled with positive messages and fun pictures?

Have you given or received an inspiration jar? 

Your comments are greatly appreciated and I look forward to your thoughts and ideas!  I try to respond to comments via email as soon as I can. If your email address isn't available, I will comment here. Thanks so much for visiting!

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  1. I have a friend who would like to purchase one. Cute idea but I don't have the time right now to make her one.

  2. What a fantastic idea.. thanks for sharing..
    I love the aqua lids on them..cute..

    1. Hi, Judy! Thanks! They were a lot of fun to make and it was also fun selecting the motivational and inspirational quotes and verses to include.

  3. This is a great gift idea! Thank you for sharing. I did a "memory" jar, one year, for my daughter, asking "who, what, when" types of questions on pieces of paper. She and her friends had a fun time taking out the slips of paper and answering them.

    1. That's a really neat idea Bless. Can imagine your daughter and her friends had a great time with your thoughtful gift!

  4. What a wonderful idea! I love that they can be individualized too, for different people. And they're so pretty too!

    1. Thanks Lisa! So many options for customizing them. Including photos in the jar is one of my favorites .

  5. This is a fantastic idea!! I really liked it! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home! I will featue this today!

  6. Aww...I love this idea! :)

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