
Stocking Stuffers for Your Pup

Each Christmas morning, we have such a blast watching our pups retrieve and tear into these pet-friendly stocking stuffers.

They are easy to make with items you probably already have:

  • Empty paper towel cardboard centers
  • White tissue paper
  • Brown kraft paper (or plain white paper)
  • Pup treats - Pup-Peroni or Beggin' Strips work well
  • Paw labels (optional)

Cut paper towel roll into three equal pieces, tear tissue paper into half sheets, and cut or break pup treats into appropriate sizes for your pet.  

Wrap a treat in a half sheet of plain white tissue paper and stuff into cardboard roll.  

Wrap the treat filled cardboard roll in plain brown kraft paper, twisting ends to secure (no tape needed).

This year I added the round paw labels just for fun.  

I created them in Word for Avery 5293 round labels by copying a free paw graphic online and pasting it into the label template and printing.  There's no risk of our pups consuming the toner - they ignore the center of the stuffers and go right to the ends to pull out the tissue paper.  

The pups have a lot of fun when they pick up the scent of the treat, and rip into the tissue paper to pull it out and find the hidden treasure.

We've also noticed that each pup has their own method for unwrapping --- one will tear thru end of the cardboard roll to quickly get to the tissue paper covered treat.  Another will very carefully and deliberately pull the tissue paper from the roll in small pieces, eventually reaching the treat.

Do your pups open Santa gifts or stocking stuffers on Christmas morning?  What types of treats do they receive?


Both pups devoured the stocking stuffers again this year and it was so much fun watching them have a great time!

Your comments are greatly appreciated and I look forward to your thoughts and ideas!  I try to respond to comments via email as soon as I can. If your email address isn't available, I will comment here. Thanks so much for visiting!

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  1. Your pups are so lucky! No pups here. Dancer gets a wadded up ball of tissue paper to play with if he's lucky! :D

    1. So glad you mentioned Dancer! I wonder how cats would react to these if they caught a whiff of a cat treat inside? May have to test it out on our kitty. Hmmm

  2. Replies
    1. Your pupsters might like them too, Brenda! Hope you didnt work too hard painting on Christmas day. :)

  3. Such a fun idea! We visited our daughters house Christmas morning and their new pup was loving what Santa brought him. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
